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New Family Needs Blog

Hilary Witcher
Apr 21, 20242 min read
Wait! There is overnight postpartum support? Someone will care for my newborn so I can sleep and heal? Sign me up!
Benefits of hiring an overnight postpartum doula or newborn care specialist to help with postpartum healing and newborn care.

Hilary Witcher
Mar 24, 20243 min read
Your body and your baby are innately brilliant.
Your body and your baby are innately brilliant. You are so smart, smarter than you likely realize.

Hilary Witcher
Mar 18, 20242 min read
Let Your Doula Be Your Personal Search Engine
Use your doula as your own personal search engine for all the info you ever needed about birth and postpartum.

Hilary Witcher
Feb 20, 20242 min read
Birth Bound: Car Checklist for Driving to your Birthplace During Labor
Prepare yourselves and your car to ensure the most comfortable, efficient,
and focused ride to your birthplace.

Hilary Witcher
Dec 5, 20234 min read
Why Hire a Birth Doula? A 3-Part Blog Series. Part 3: I want a medicated birth so why would I need a birth doula?
I am planning a medicated birth so I'm all good right? Why would I need a birth doula? Oh, SO many reasons! It's still a common...

Hilary Witcher
Nov 27, 20233 min read
Why Hire a Birth Doula? A 3-Part Blog Series. Part 2: Will a Birth Doula Overshadow My Partner?
I have a supportive partner, why would I want a birth doula too? Doulas are here to support both the birthing person AND their support...

Hilary Witcher
Nov 14, 20233 min read
Why Hire a Birth Doula? A 3-Part Blog Series. Part 1: What's a Birth Doula?
I have a supportive partner, why would I want a birth doula too? When I found out I was pregnant with my first baby, I was completely...

Hilary Witcher
Oct 16, 20234 min read
Ready, Set, Push: What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for Labor
You've taken the childbirth preparation class, built the crib, attended your baby shower, read 20 new books and you're following yours...

Hilary Witcher
Oct 13, 20233 min read
The Struggle Is Real: The Maternity Pants Chronicles
It's no joking matter that our bodies go through a LOT to properly host and grow a tiny little human. These bodies of ours are amazing....

Hilary Witcher
Oct 8, 20233 min read
Postpartum Outings: Embracing Adventure with Your Baby
Getting out of the house can make all the difference for you (and your baby) - for your mental, emotional and physical health. What?! You...

Hilary Witcher
Sep 22, 20234 min read
Nourishing New Parents: A Guide to Enlisting Support during Postpartum
So, you're expecting a baby. You've made your announcement and participated in the gender reveal. You've completed your registry. You've...

Hilary Witcher
Sep 18, 20234 min read
Draft Your Fantasy Postpartum Support Team
The perfect team is out there, you just have to draft them.

Hilary Witcher
Aug 28, 20234 min read
Diapering Your Darling: It's More Than Just Wipes and Dipes
Changing baby's diaper. It's one of the most basic parenting tasks and one that you'll find yourself doing over and over (and over)...

Hilary Witcher
Aug 27, 20234 min read
Newborn Class: To Take or Not to Take, That is the Question. And here is the Answer:
I distinctly remember when I was RIGHT where YOU are (or where your friends and family are) right now! It was 2008 (okay, I’m old) and I...

Hilary Witcher
Jul 30, 20233 min read
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Build yours by joining a Parent Group.
Bleary-eyed and both excited and exhausted, I dragged my freshly postpartum body, new breast pump, brand-new baby, diaper bag and husband...

Hilary Witcher
Feb 3, 20215 min read
Postpartum Doulas Can Provide The Pillars Of Support That A New Family Needs
Parents with a newborn often face challenges and struggle in four areas following birth, & a certified postpartum doula is trained to help.
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